Meet a girl & discover the map





Hi, I’m Bettina, a girl who decided that the world is too big to just live in one place when there is so much to see, learn, and explore. This blog is my attempt to bring my 7-year old and 17-year old dreams to reality.

A Girl at 7: Why I Learned Spanish

Spanish was my grandfather’s first language. I didn’t know that nor realize that growing up. My first encounter with the language was seeing my mom and my older sister doing their homework for their classes at Instituto Cervantes. That’s when I decided I wanted to LEARN.

A Girl at 17

When I was in high school, I remember verbalizing that my ideal life would be to live in a different country each year. I had spent a month as an exchange student in Japan and had this lofty idea at the back of my mind. I never thought it would actually be possible though.


a girl and the map Nusa penida Bali

travel favorites

What Dreams Are Made Of:   Cappadocia, Turkey

Culture & Food:   Mexico City, Mexico

Vibes for Days:   Bali, Indonesia

Home Away From Home:  Valencia, Spain 

Views on Views:   Lagos, Portugal

Absolute Paradise:   Palawan, Philippines

A Girl After 17

Then I went to college, started my undergraduate degree in management, and was convinced I wanted to work in marketing for consumer products.

In my third year, I did a semester abroad in France and got to travel Europe extensively. If you ask me what I learned from my exchange, I would have to say it’s the instinct to EXPLORE. I spent more time in trains, planes, buses, and hostels than I did in the classroom.

I graduated university and instead of working at an FMCG, I opted to do a year in Spain teaching English. After, I returned to Manila and started my corporate career, going back and forth each year between “living life” and working for it.

A Girl Today

Now, I’ve managed to find the balance between pure travel and a career that gives me the flexibility to discover the world while keeping a solid home base. I’ve lived in 5 countries, 6 cities, speak 3 languages and am learning a fourth and fifth. 

Manila is where it all started, but home is the map and I can’t wait to scratch more places off it. 


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